7 foods that potentially relieve allergic reactions

7 foods that potentially  relieve allergic reactions ?>

Allergies like hay fever and rhinitis occur when the immune system is adversely affected by particulate matter. Hence most patients suffering from allergies stay from dust, pet dander, or any other allergen that triggers a reaction. In such instances, one can use food to their advantage. Some of them could help in alleviating a runny nose, watery eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, etc. Here are seven foods that can ease your reaction to allergens.

Food-based allergies can cause inflammation and irritation in the nose, eyes, and throat. Ginger is known to naturally alleviate these allergic symptoms. This rich source of antioxidative and anti-inflammatory phytochemical compounds is used to treat nausea and joint pain. There is no proven anti-inflammatory property difference in fresh or dried ginger.

Bee pollen
Bee pollen is known to contain anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial properties. According to some studies, bee pollen makes allergic patients build the body’s immune system so that it has the power to resist pollen. If possible, consume bee pollen from your nearby farmer’s market. You can also sprinkle bee pollen on cereal or mix it with smoothies.

Fatty fish
If you have a peanut allergy, eating healthy amounts of fish like mackerel, salmon, sardines, and tuna can ease allergic symptoms. Fatty fish contain two types of omega-3 fatty acids called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) that decrease the reaction to allergies. However, one must consume a limited amount as fish contain mercury. Avoid eating canned fish and instead, look for fish that is wild and not farmed.

Citric fruits
Like omega-3, vitamin C is known to help ease symptoms of allergies. Vitamin C reduces the longevity of the common cold and prevents irritation in the upper respiratory tract. Instead of taking vitamin C supplements, consume it naturally from oranges, red peppers, strawberries, grapefruit, lemons, limes, and berries. Fruits and vegetables that contain quercetin like broccoli may also be beneficial.

This spice contains an active ingredient called curcumin that is known to reduce several inflammatory disease symptoms. Turmeric helps in decreasing the irritation and swelling caused by allergic reactions as well. One major advantage about this spice is that it can be consumed in a variety of forms.

Yogurt is known to have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. This probiotic food reduces the magnitude of an allergic reaction in the body. If you feel yogurt causes allergic reactions to, do not eat dairy or yogurt for two weeks and check how you feel. If there are no effects, start by eating a limited amount of yogurt and compare the results.

Onions contain bioflavonoids that act like mast-cell stabilizers in bringing down allergic reactions. This vegetable reduces the number of cells that react to the allergen. Quercetin is an extremely powerful bioflavonoid is that controls inflammation and eases allergic symptoms. Other foods that contain quercetin are apples, tea, and red wine.

Immunotherapy for those with peanut allergies
This treatment option helps in building immunity against peanuts in allergic patients. The doctor will start the treatment by slowly introducing a small amount of peanut protein then moving to a large quantity until the target is complete. Peanut allergy immunotherapy helps desensitize individuals to peanut protein, especially those affected by life-threatening anaphylactic shocks.

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