Best foods and treatments for managing menopause

Best foods and treatments for managing menopause ?>

The end of a woman’s menstrual cycle is determined by the onset of menopause. This natural process causes a series of symptoms like dry skin, night sweats, and hot flashes. Other changes include the weakening of bones and increased cholesterol levels, which may cause long-term health repercussions. Focusing on better daily nutrition and improving one’s meal plan can effectively manage the symptoms. Here are some of the best foods to include.

Salmon is packed with packed with omega-3s and vitamin D, which can be beneficial to tackling the discomforts of menopause. Vitamin D present in salmon keeps the bones healthy even lowers the premature onset of this stage of a woman’s life. This food is one of the most important additions that must be made to the daily meal plan.

Daily consumption of edamame and other soy-based products is quite beneficial for menopausal women. Phytoestrogens present in soy help alleviate the symptoms. Including soy in meals increases the production of the estrogen equol, which is typically helpful for treating hot flashes. Nutritionists recommend that including soy-based products at least twice a week can help effectively manage menopause.

Owing to the weaking of bones, including calcium-based foods in daily meals is necessary for women experiencing menopause. Moreover, the intake of vitamin D and calcium must go side-by-side as the former is necessary for proper absorption of the latter. Yogurt is one of the best sources of vitamin D and calcium. This food not only helps deal with symptoms but also lowers the risk of premature menopause, as previously explained.

Oatmeal is made from whole grains and is fiber abundant. Doctors always recommended replacing foods made from refined carbohydrate like pasta and white bread with whole grain-based foods like oatmeal. Eating oatmeal regularly can help lower cholesterol and blood glucose levels, preventing constipation associated with menopause. A robust digestive system can reduce the risk of other health concerns associated with menopause.

Broccoli has been recommended by most nutritionists and gynaecologists owing to its high nutritional value and positive effects on estrogen levels. This food’s calcium and fiber-rich profile helps to keep the bones strong, as menopause increases the risk of osteoporosis. Other problematic effects of menopause, like bloating, can be easily managed by including broccoli in daily meals.

While these foods help manage menopause symptoms, being aware of the available treatment options is important. These treatments are known to provide quick relief:

Hormone therapy
This treatment is the most effective option for managing hot flashes and preventing the loss bone mass due to menopause. On the basis of symptom severity, doctors will initially recommend low doses for a shorter period.

Vaginal estrogen
Estrogen is directly administered into the vagina to avoid dryness by using a vaginal tablet ring or a cream. These products release low doses of estrogen that are absorbed by the vaginal tissues.

Low-dose antidepressants
These medications are called as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, and can help decrease menopausal hot flashes. SSRIs are especially helpful for women who cannot take estrogen due to other health complications.

Gabapentin and Clonidine
These medications are used for treating night-time sweating and hot flashes. Gabapentin and Clonidine are suitable for women who cannot opt for hormone estrogen therapy.

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