5 common window replacement mistakes to avoid

5 common window replacement mistakes to avoid ?>

The windows of a house can get damaged over time due to factors like extreme weather conditions, rot, wear and tear, or even accidents. It is important to replace windows as soon as one notices signs of major damage to restore the safety and convenience windows provide. Further, while replacing windows, one can opt for better frames and panes to enhance the look and functionality of windows. But, one should avoid the following mistakes:

1. Getting measurements wrong
When planning to replace a window, one of the most important things to do is take accurate measurements of the available space. If the measurements are incorrect, one may end up with parts that do not fit. Further, measuring the shortlisted window frames can help one select options that fit with available space at home. Also, measurements should not be limited to the height and width but should also include the desired thickness to ensure the chosen frame fits easily into the allotted space.

2. Choosing the wrong material
The window material has a major impact on the energy bills. If one chooses a glass or frame that offers poor insulation, the temperature regulation inside the home will be affected, leading to higher electricity consumption. So, it is important to choose energy-efficient materials. For instance, for the panes, triple-glazed glass is a good option as it does not allow heat or cold air to pass through easily. In terms of the frame, vinyl offers great insulation, and so does fiberglass. Both materials are resistant to rot and extreme weather elements.

3. Not seeking professional help
A DIY approach to home renovation tasks, like window replacement, can seem to be cost-effective and fun. However, mistakes in the installation can prove to be a costly affair, as fixing improper installation or the consequent damage can lead to additional expenses. Not to mention, such mistakes can increase the risk of accidents and injuries. So, it is best to spend a few extra bucks and hire a professional to install the windows. It is important to consult a professional with adequate experience and expertise in installing windows. This can require some research but will ensure one has a smooth experience.

4. Ignoring the manufacturer’s guidelines
When installing new windows, one must make sure they follow the manufacturer’s guidelines, even if they hire an experienced professional to do the job. If the installation guidelines are not followed, the manufacturer’s warranty will be considered void if the windows incur any kind of damage. In this case, the buyer will have to bear the cost of fixing or replacing damaged windows. Additionally, installation guidelines can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. So, one should consider carefully reviewing the instructions before starting with installation even if they have installed windows in the past.

5. Overlooking home aesthetics
The windows contribute significantly to a home’s exterior and interior aesthetics. So, when choosing new windows, it is important to take the desired appearance and style into consideration. One must consider choosing designs that match the rest of the home. Otherwise, the windows will seem out of place and negatively affect the curb appeal of the home.

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