6 common laundry mistakes that can ruin clothes

6 common laundry mistakes that can ruin clothes ?>

Laundry is an unavoidable household chore, and while it might appear simple enough, there is a right and a wrong way of doing it. Do it correctly and clothes can look new for a long time. Do it the wrong way and one might even end up ruining the washing machine and dryer. Here are some quick don’ts that seem harmless at first but could end up costing a lot.

Overloading the Washing Machine
One of the most prevalent laundry mistakes is overloading the washing machine. Trying to cram too many clothes into a single load might seem efficient, but it can result in insufficient water circulation and detergent distribution. This leads to inadequate cleaning and can even damage the washing machine over time.

To avoid this, leave some room in the drum for clothes to move freely. Overloading not only compromises cleanliness but also increases wear and tear on the machine, potentially shortening its lifespan.

Ignoring Fabric Care Labels
Each piece of clothing comes with a fabric care label that provides valuable instructions on washing, drying, and maintaining the item. Ignoring these labels can be a costly mistake. Fabrics vary widely, and improper care can lead to shrinkage, fading, or stretching.

Always take a moment to check the care label before tossing garments into the washing machine. Learn the common fabric care symbols to ensure that each garment receives the proper treatment it deserves.

Using Too Much Detergent
While it might seem logical to use extra detergent for heavily soiled laundry, too much detergent can have adverse effects. Excessive detergent can lead to soap buildup on clothes and inside the washing machine. This residue not only affects clothing quality but also causes unpleasant odors.

Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for detergent usage. In most cases, using the recommended amount will suffice for a thorough cleaning without any unwanted consequences.

Neglecting To Sort Clothes
Sorting clothes is a laundry step that often gets rushed or skipped entirely. Neglecting to separate darks from lights or delicates from sturdy fabrics can result in color bleeding, fabric damage, and uneven cleaning.

Set up separate laundry baskets or hampers for different types of clothing. Taking the time to sort laundry correctly will help maintain garment quality over time.

Not Cleaning The Washing Machine
The washing machine itself needs regular maintenance to function optimally. Failing to clean it can lead to mold and mildew buildup, which can transfer onto the clothes and cause unpleasant odors.

It’s essential to clean the washing machine at least once a month. Use a specialized washing machine cleaner or a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to eliminate residue and odors. Wipe down the drum and seal after each use to prevent moisture buildup.

Overusing The Dryer
Over-reliance on the dryer can have detrimental effects on clothing. Excessive heat can cause fabrics to break down, shrink, and lose shape. It can also contribute to energy waste and higher utility bills.

To avoid this laundry mistake, consider air-drying clothes whenever possible. Hang delicate items on a drying rack, use a clothesline for outdoor drying, or utilize the dryer’s low-heat setting for more delicate fabrics.

In conclusion, laundry is an everyday task that, when done correctly, can help extend the life of clothing. By avoiding common laundry mistakes, one can maintain the quality of their garments and ensure they look their best for years to come.

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